Christmas in a Children’s Hospital

In December, the questions parents ask in the hospital are different. Instead of “Will my child be OK?”, we pediatric hospitalists hear: “We have plane tickets to go skiing for Christmas. Will he be well by then?” “She’ll be home for Christmas, right? We’ve never been...


It is Halloween 1959, or thereabouts. The neighborhood of tidy red brick houses under the tall pine trees is like many that were quickly thrown up after WWII when the GIs came home, got married, and started families. We, my older brother Bob, and I, have already raked...

Vacation in a Tuberculosis Sanitarium

We love to stay at historic places when we travel, and so I booked a few nights at Birch Lodge during our recent vacation to Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. All I knew was that it was over 100 years old, on the National Registry of Historic Places, and looked beautiful...

Atlanta Writers Club Townsend Prize Awards Dinner

What a glittering event! The ten Townsend Prize finalists, other authors and the want-to-be authors of the Atlanta Writers Club gathered at the beautiful Wimbish House for drinks, dinner, speeches and awards. The Townsend Award is a big deal. Named in memory of Jim...

Medical History Finds Me

I love studying the history of medicine, especially the pre-anesthesia, pre-antibiotic era. Fleming, Osler, Rush, Avicenna, Blackwell, Curie, Pasteur are all familiar friends to me now. So, it’s no surprise to me that nuggets of medical history find me when we are on...